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Other Insects Treatment In The Cayman Islands

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Other Insects Treatment In The Cayman Islands

Wasps Treatment in the Cayman Islands

Wasps Treatment in the Cayman Islands

The main species we have here in the Cayman Islands affecting our properties are

  • Mud daubers (Sphecidae spp.)
  • Solitary wasp (Andrenidae spp.)
  • Paper wasp (Polistes spp.)

Honey bees are only treated if they pose a real threat to people, ie: the hive has moved inside the house and only after contacting a bee keeper first.

Wasp nest removal is more common for us. Both the mud dauber and the paper wasp can nest around the house up under eaves and door alcoves.

How wasps and bees differ:

  • Wasps are yellow and black striping over their body.
  • Wasps have less body hair than bees
  • It is the female wasp that stings and can do so repeatedly.
Hornets Treatment in the Cayman Islands

Hornets Treatment in the Cayman Islands

Hornets are the largest of the eusocial wasps, and are similar in appearance to their close relatives yellow jackets.

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